Kiev 4M & Kiev 4AM instruction manual

Lost in Russia



Type of Camera

Mechanical rangefinder camera. Designed for amateur photography, but can be used for scientific and technical photography as well. Picture Format 24 x 36 mm. The camera accepts standard 35mm film. Loading the camera with a 1.6 metre length of film will yield 36 exposures.


The Kiev camera has an originally designed metal focal plane shutter with vertical traverse. Shutter Speeds Automatically timed shutter speeds 1/2, 1/5, 1/10, 1/25, 1/50, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, and 1/1000, plus “B” for manually-timed long


“Helios-103” (or “Jupiter-8M”). High quality anastigmat with high resolution. The lenses are finished with an anti-reflection coating. Focal length = 50mm with maximum opening of 1:1.8 (or 1:2 for Jupiter-8M). Supplied as the standard lens for the camera.

Lens Mount

Bayonet mount, similar to Contax rangefinder bayonet mount.


Built-in optical viewfinder gives the field for the standard 50mm lens. Magnification, 0.8X life size.
When using other lenses of different focal lengths, the use of an auxiliary finder (i.e, “universal viewfinder”) is necessary due to the fact the image will be enlarged on the negative but not in the viewfinder.


The camera is equipped with a long base optical rangefinder, working from 0.9 m to infinity. The long base rangefinder provides high focusing accuracy, essential with large aperture or long focal length lenses. Focusing is also possible with the use of the distance scale.


Mechanically controlled, 9–15 second exposure delay.

Exposure Metering

Built-in selenium cell exposure meter (for Kiev4M only). Reading angle is 65 to 70 degrees. Acceptable brightness range is 4 to 16000 cd/m2. Kiev-4AM do not have a built-in exposure meter. Only manually selected film-speed indication only.


Threaded, 40.5 x 0.7 mm.


1/4" threaded socket.

Flash Synchronisation

1/25 or slower with electronic or bulb flash.


By turning the winding knob 10, the shutter is simultaneously cocked, with the frame advance and the of the disc counter moves up by one division. With this design, double exposures are prevented.

The shutter is released by the release button 11 or by activating the self timer release 49. The shutter release button has a threaded hole to accommodate a shutter release cable.

The lens mount is locked (and consequently, the lens) by lever 2.
The depth-of-field scale 8 is engraved on the fixed portion of the lens focus mount. This scale shows the areas of sharpness depending on distance and chosen aperture.
Note: With the Kiev, distances are measured from the film plane to the subject.

The self-timer mechanism is located inside the camera body. It is started by the lever 6. Also shown in fig 3 are: 18- camera strap eyelet; 20 — flash PC cord outlet.
On the bottom of the back cover are: tripod socket 29, lock keys 28 for locking the back cover, and film rewind index 30 (fig. 4).

BASIC OPERATIONS 2.1. Loading film

Before loading, the camera should be taken from its case. Unscrew the locking screw found on the bottom of the case, fastened to tripod socket 29 (fig.4).
To open the camera and remove the cartridge, turn the camera bottom up and pull out the lock keys 28 and twist them (fig. 4) by half a turn against the stop as shown in fig. 5.

Then remove a back cover by moving it to a bottom of the camera (fig. 6).

Note: Don’t open the camera back with the camera lens side up to avoid spilling the film cartridge and take-up spool (if it is not built-in like in old Kiev cameras).

Avoid loading or unloading film in bright sunlight. Do this in a shaded area, or under the cast of your own shadow.
Install the new cartridge into the left chamber, and the take-up spool in the right chamber.
Fix the tip of the film leader into the take-up spool. The film perforations should engage into the sprocket teeth of the transport drum (fig. 7).

A stationary rewind knob will indicate either an improperly loaded film or a loosely wound film in the cartridge or the take-up spool.
Finish the loading process by setting the frame counter disk to “0” by turning its moveable part 34 (fig. 8).

Basic shooting

The process of shooting consists of the following operations: 1. Determination of appropriate aperture and shutter speed;

  1. Shutter cocking;
  2. Selection of shutter speed;
  3. Selection of aperture;
  4. Focusing;
  5. Composing;
  6. Release of shutter.

Determination of appropriate shutter speed and aperture

Note: Red numbers on ring 36 indicate exposure time in FULL SECONDS, and black numbers, fractions of seconds.

Fig. 10. Opening the exposure meter cover.

For the meterless Kiev-4A, appropriate exposures can be determined by several methods: The best way is through a separate exposure meter. Exposure calculators or tables (as found in film boxes) can also be used. Visual judgement based on one’s photographic experience is also useful.

Cocking shutter

Turn the advance knob 10 clockwise (fig. 3)

Selecting shutter speed

If an exposure longer than 1/2 second is necessary, the knob’s black point should be set against “B”. The shutter will remain open as long as the shutter button is pressed, and will close only upon release.
2.2.4. Setting the aperture

The aperture can be selected by turning ring 23 (fig. 3) and aligning the chosen aperture number against the index mark. The setting should be done before focusing the lens.


Shooting without the rangefinder (visual estimation of distances) can be done successfully only at small apertures, i.e., when focus errors are compensated by depth of field.


Composing the image with a 50mm lens is done through the built-in viewfinder. The limits of the field of view as what would be on the film is seen throught the eyepiece.
The universal viewfinder (or other accessory viewfinders) has to be used with lenses of other focal lengths.

Shutter release

Using the Self timer

Rewinding film


The camera has a mechanism to synchronise its shutter with flash. Before using flash with the camera, it is recommended to study carefully these instructions.
For mounting flash directly on the camera, there is an accessory shoe 15 and a PC plug outlet 20 (fig. 3). For mounting the flash on the body of the camera there is a accessory shoe 15 and a plug socket 20 (fig. 3). It can be used the flash units with PC cord connector or with “hot shoe” cordless connection.

Flash exposures should only be done at shutter speeds from 1/25 to 1/2 second. The contacts of the synchronization circuit are closed with a fired shutter (“connected”), and when the shutter is cocked, the circuit is open (“off”). It is important to turn the flash on (if connected to the camera) only AFTER cocking the camera, or the flash will fire spontaneously. Cock the shutter immediately or turn off the flash after shooting.
Note: Connect the flash only with the flash switched off, or a cocked shutter.


Each lens, except the “Jupiter-3” and “Jupiter8” has its own focusing mechanism, distance, and depth of field scales. All lenses focus through the aid of the camera’s rangefinder.

Before mounting a lens, remove its rear cap. Both the camera’s focusing mount and the lens have to be set at infinity. Put the lens on the bayonet so that the red dot on the lens barrel and the red dot on the camera body coincide. Push in lens and turn counter clockwise until the latch engages and the locks the lens.
Lens is mounted correctly if focusing wheel 47 (fig. 3) turns when lens is turned for focusing.

The lens is removed in a reverse sequence. Set the lens to infinity first, press the lens lock release found near the lens barrel’s mount, and turn lens counter clockwise until it disengages with the camera body.
With lenses other than the standard 50 mm, the shot should be composed through the aid of the universal or an auxiliary finder 54. The finder can be mounted on the accessory shoe 15 (fig. 20).


Store the camera in a cool, dry place. In humid environments, store the camera inside its leather case to keep out dust, moisture, and salt.

Note: In tropical climates, it is better to store the camera separately from its leather case. The leather case molds quickly in tropical climates, and will cause the camera to mould as well. Storing the camera in a sealed vinyl plastic bag with some desiccants (Silica gel, dry rice, etc) will give the it more protection.
If the camera had been exposed to rain or mist, or after shooting near the sea, wipe the camera with a soft, clean cloth. Don’t leave the camera in an excessively hot place. Don’t apply excessive force during operation. Do not subject the camera to strong shock or impact (especially the Kiev-4).

As mentioned earlier, the lenses have antireflection coated surfaces. Because of its extreme thinness, this coating can be easily abraded with improper wiping or cleaning. To protect the antireflection coatings, the lens surface has to be protected from contamination so that cleaning is less often. Attaching a colorless “Skylight” 1A or UV filter on the lens can give it ample protection. Being colorless, these filters can be permanently left on the lens. The filter will absorb the brunt of contamination, and are easier to clean. Easier and cheaper to replace too, if damaged. Protect the lens from, and do not store it in, a damp environment. Dampness can cause spotting and molding, which will damage the coating.


I found this manual on the internet. I do not know who wrote it, even after reserse research. I´ll gladly quote him, add a link or delete the text if he decides so.



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